Small Business Starter Websites

If you have a new  business, and aren’t sure if you need a website, we’ve got you covered. We offer starter sites, built on WordPress, to get you what you need today. the rest you can build in the future.

Why waste time and money on more than what you need right now?

We can get you started and help you grow.

A professional looking website

Your visitors will see a real business website that gives them confidence in you. No scary errors because of some cheap setup. Everything you need, even if you don’t know it.

Use your own website name

What would be better – or You get the same setup as the big guys, and your clients/customers think you’re a big guy. Or gal.

Ready for the future

Why get stuck with a limited setup that hinders your growth in the future? Our starter sites are ready to expand with you. And you get access to the thousands of WordPress plugins if needed.

Easy to use

You have a business to run and grow, you don’t have time to tinker and learn stupid website stuff right now. We know. We’ve done the same. All you want to do is make sure your basic content is correct – and we’ll make sure you know how to do that.

Too many choices. What do I actually need?

We know what plugins a new small business need to get their website off the ground. Don’t worry about figuring it out. And we’ll show you what you need to maintain it without taking all your time.

I need more!

Cool, no problem. If your business is expanding and you need more than a starter site – everything is ready for it. We can guide you to what you need to grow – including online ecommerce.


I want to write - not do computer stuff

Most authors just want a place to offer their first book and get people to sign up for a mailing list. And then they want to write that next book. Same here. We offer all the standard plugins PLUS book table for authors. – which alone is a $49 value. 

What about linking to my books or selling from my site?

The book table plugin, which you get from day 1, allows you to drive traffic to your website and provide links to all the stores you sell. This plugin is $49 if purchased separately. Want to start selling from your website? We can help you setup Woocomerce which will link into other systems like shopify. Note – Woocomerce not included in starter packages.

Can I offer my books for free?

Of course. You can get them to sign up for your mailing list and download directly from your site, or link over to bookfunnel or any other setup that works for you.

K Bee’s Soaps and Essentials

Lotsa Products and Stuff

Adam’s Action Figures and Comics

Soap Goats Online

Ron L Murphy – The Crypto Guru

S.A. Schneider – Story Purveyor


Lon E. Varnadore – Sci-Fi Author


Horror Lasagna


Let’s Build Something

If interested in a starter site, please fill out the form below and we’ll get started to get your site.

3 + 9 =

Mind Architecture Starter Sites

I’ve been in the web consulting business for over 20 years. I’ve setup simple to complex sites. The starter sites offer what a new business needs without overwhelming you.

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